I came to know
Ryan Adams listening to the Starbucks channel on XM radio. I really like his mix of country, blues, alternative, whatever. I bought the album
Gold and really love it. I was especially excited to discover that he had done the original version of "When the Stars Go Blue." This song caught our attention when we heard the lines "Dancin' in your wooden shoes/In a wedding gown," because I wore wooden shoes at our wedding! (You can see Tony carrying them as we walked down the hill for pictures.)

ohhhh i love that photo so romantic! love the wooden shoes. did you know if you put wooden shoes under your bed on christmas eve santa will fill your cloggers with treats and goods?
Jana did our wedding pictures, and I really liked them - especially this one. (It was so not planned...) I would love treats in my shoes - I think they're just gathering dust right now!
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