
The Mount

I went to lunch with a friend the other day, and she lent me a copy of Edith Wharton's The Buccaneers. I remembered loving Ethan Frome, but I wanted to refresh my memory about what else Edith Wharton had written and did a quick online search. In the process, I discovered The Mount - her home in the Berkshires that she designed and built in 1902. I may just have to plan a trip when I'm done reading...


Anonymous said...

If you are an Edith Wharton fan, you have to visit the Mount. It is lovely. You know they almost had to shut it down last year because of lack of resources, but we led a fundraising campaign that raised enough money to keep them going. It's amazing what a blog and the internet can do

ANNE said...

Thanks for the tip! The web site makes it look like you are making great progress.