I finally finished reading Little Women! It was so wonderful - a true gem of a book. Here is another of Marmee's wise quotes:
Have regular hours for work and play; make each day both useful and pleasant, and prove that you understand the worth of time by employing it well. Then youth will be delightful, old age will bring few regrets, and life become a beautiful success, in spite of poverty.
Baby James
I can post this now that I have met my new nephew! James arrived on May 3. This is the card that I made for him (and my sister).
Baby James
Christopher Wren
I'm sure you know that Christopher Wren was an architect who designed many of the churches in London after the great fire, including St. Paul's. What you may not know is that there is a Christopher Wren church in Fulton, Missouri, that houses the Winston Churchill Memorial. We visited it last week, and I was again struck by the beautiful simplicity. I love that the interior is so light and white, and the chandelier is really gorgeous.

Christopher Wren,
Churchill Memorial
Friday Featured Art: Billy Jacobs
The primitive folk art by Billy Jacobs is somewhat trendy these days, but I can't help but be drawn to some of his paintings. We saw this one, called Olde Homeplace, in a little shop in Arrow Rock and almost bought it because it looks a lot like our house did before it was painted. It's looking a little better now...

Billy Jacobs,
Friday Featured Art
Thursday Text: sisters
My sister is arriving for a visit today!
A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. -Marion C. Garretty
A sister is a little bit of childhood that can never be lost. -Marion C. Garretty
Thursday Text
Williamsburg Table Linens
OK, this isn't the greatest picture, but it's all that I could find. I posted previously about a little shop in my town called White Horse Antiques. One of the things that they carry that I really like is Williamsburg table linens. The napkins and quilted placemats are reversible. I usually just buy one napkin and then use it in the center of my table. This picture's from another store, but this is one of the patterns that I bought - and how cute is that round placemat?

White Horse Antiques,
Decorative Chairs
Did you see this project in the April issue of Martha Stewart Living? These chairs are so fun - they took apart IKEA chairs and plastered decorative paper on the back. I like that it adds interest without being overwhelming.

Decorative Chairs,
Martha Stewart
Yellow Fields
It was a busy weekend - Tony graduated on Friday night, so we had family here to help us celebrate. It is a lovely time of year in mid-Missouri. This is one of the fields out behind our house. In May it blooms a carpet of buttercups. Can you believe the color?

Friday Featured Art: Steve Songer
Steve Songer is a Utah artist who has pieces at one of the galleries where Joe has work. Steve was also our high school art teacher! He mostly works in oil and usually depicts western places. This one is called Wind River Spring Thaw. My dad backpacks in the Wind Rivers every year, so I especially liked this one. Beautiful mountain scenes get me every time.

Friday Featured Art,
Steve Songer
Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day - Geranium
The other night we were at the local natural foods store, and I was reminded of some soap that we used to have. Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day in geranium scent. I really loved the scent. The line of environmentally-friendly products also includes dish soap, all-purpose cleaner, laundry detergent, a lovely candle, etc. (And it's much cheaper than Caldrea.) I may have to look into this again...

Mrs. Meyer's Clean Day
Happy Anniversary!
Five years ago today, Tony and I were married at the beautiful Thanksgiving Point gardens. When Robert Browning married Elizabeth Barrett, he wrote her the following:
You have given me the highest, completest proof of love that ever one human being gave another. I am all gratitude, and all pride (under the proper feeling which ascribes pride to the right source) all pride that my life has been so crowned by you.
Thank you, Tony, for a perfect wedding day and for a wonderful married life.
You have given me the highest, completest proof of love that ever one human being gave another. I am all gratitude, and all pride (under the proper feeling which ascribes pride to the right source) all pride that my life has been so crowned by you.
Thank you, Tony, for a perfect wedding day and for a wonderful married life.

Midwest Living
Now that we know that we will still be living in the Midwest when Tony begins his job at the end of August, I decided to subscribe to Midwest Living magazine. It's nice because it's about our general area. There is information about travel and gardening and food and homes - like this beautiful Arts & Crafts loft. I'm hoping it will give me some good ideas for our new life in Illinois.

Midwest Living
Friday Featured Etsy Seller: PrinceDesign UK
Today's Etsy seller is Elizabeth Prince of PrinceDesign UK. Her pottery is so beautiful. I especially love the lace bird dishes and the poppy bowls (below).

Thursday Tunes: Bonnie Raitt
On Tuesday night, Tony and I went to see Bonnie Raitt in concert here on campus. She is so great! When we were first dating, Tony gave me her Road Tested CD. I still love it. Here's the first track from that album - Thing Called Love - with Bruce Hornsby on accordion. (He's another of our favorites.)
Bonnie Raitt,
Thursday Tunes
ECO Countertops
Last week, re-nest featured these countertops by Consentino that they had seen on Jetson Green. I'm not sure how the cost compares, but I think they are incredible. They're made of "salvaged mirrors, window and bottle glass, porcelain from home products, industrial furnace residuals from factories, stone scrap, and a proprietary bond containing 22% corn oil resin." Apparently they stand up to stains, scratches, and scorching and can be purchased at Lowe's!

ECO countertops,
Here is another quote from Little Women. Yes, I am still reading it. And I am loving it.
There are many Beths in the world, shy and quiet, sitting in corners till needed, and living for others so cheerfully that no one sees the sacrifices till the little cricket on the hearth stops chirping, and the sweet, sunshiny presence vanishes, leaving silence and shadow behind.
This is rather a sad quote, but my sister Beth had a baby on Sunday night, and I wanted to share this bit. Beth is so helpful and cheerful and good. She is a wonderful mom to Claire and will be to baby James, too. I miss my sisters when I live so far away, but I'm sending Beth hope and happiness for her new endeavor as a mother (again).
There are many Beths in the world, shy and quiet, sitting in corners till needed, and living for others so cheerfully that no one sees the sacrifices till the little cricket on the hearth stops chirping, and the sweet, sunshiny presence vanishes, leaving silence and shadow behind.
This is rather a sad quote, but my sister Beth had a baby on Sunday night, and I wanted to share this bit. Beth is so helpful and cheerful and good. She is a wonderful mom to Claire and will be to baby James, too. I miss my sisters when I live so far away, but I'm sending Beth hope and happiness for her new endeavor as a mother (again).
Little Women
Style 1900 Magazine
I don't know that I've ever actually gotten my hands on a copy of Style 1900 Magazine, but I probably should at some point. This picture is from an article on Italy's Art Nouveau. The links page will take you to everything Arts & Crafts. I'm hoping it will come in handy at some point in the future...

Style 1900 Magazine
Country House
Did you see this country schoolhouse transformation on Apartment Therapy? The details are here at Country Living. I really like it, but what I love best is the outside. Very cute.

Apartment Therapy,
country house
Friday Featured Art: Ben Behunin
This week I'll continue with the Utah artist them and feature Ben Behunin. He is a potter who makes all sorts of interesting things. I really love his decorative tiles. I bought this one from Faithful Home - now called The Collection: Spirit of You. It's patterned after the doorknobs of the Salt Lake Temple.

Ben Behunin,
Friday Featured Art
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